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Original Biohacker set 120ml by Life Cykel

The Professional Biohacker Set contains five unique mushroom extracts infused with Kakadu Plum for peak performance and wellness. Optimise your life and reach your full potential with the Professional Biohacker Set.


• Lion's Mane is "The Flow State Mushroom". An essential when you have a long to do list and important deadlines to meet.*


• Cordyceps is "The Activation Mushroom". This is the kickstart to your day, before work or exercise. Great as a coffee replacement without the jitters.*


• Reishi is "The Zen Mushroom". Ideal as part of your wind down routine, before bed, yoga or meditation.*


• Turkey Tail is "The Tummy Friendly Mushroom". Soothing and perfect after a meal or if you've over indulged. Happy gut, happy life!*


• Shiitake is "The Beauty Mushroom". Make it a part of your daily beauty ritual, in conjunction with your evening skin routine.*


Life Cykels Double Liquid Extract Flavourings are alcohol based and engineered in labs in Australia and USA using a unique double extraction process, they are full spectrum which means that they use both the mushroom fruiting bodies and the mycelium in their extraction process to create a well-rounded, high quality product.


All of Life Cykels Double Liquid Extracts Flavourings are infused with Australian native Kakadu Plum, known to have the highest recorded level of natural vitamin C than any other fruit in the world.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult a healthcare professional before adding anything to your current diet or lifestlye. 

Original Biohacker set 120ml by Life Cykel

SKU: 0793591581781
GST Included |

Filtered Water, Alcohol (20-24% v/v), Mushroom Flavour: Lion’s Mane (Hericium coralloïdes) Mycelia & Fruit Body, Kakadu Plum Natural Flavour.

Filtered Water, Alcohol (20-24% v/v), Mushroom Flavour: Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) Mycelia & Fruit Body, Kakadu Plum Natural Flavour.

Filtered Water, Alcohol (20-24% v/v), Mushroom Flavour:  Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) Mycelia & Fruit Body, Kakadu Plum Natural Flavour.

Filtered Water, Alcohol (20-24% v/v), Mushroom Flavour:  Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris) Mycelia & Fruit Body, Kakadu Plum Natural Flavour.

Filtered Water, Alcohol (20-24% v/v), Mushroom Flavour: Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) Mycelia & Fruit Body, Kakadu Plum Natural Flavour.

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